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Non-Fungible Token history

Retrieves all events relevant to a Non-Fungible Token. Useful to determine the ownership history of a particular asset.

More information on Non-Fungible Tokens on the Stacks blockchain can be found here.

Query Parameters
asset_identifier string REQUIRED

token asset class identifier

Example: SP2X0TZ59D5SZ8ACQ6YMCHHNR2ZN51Z32E2CJ173.the-explorer-guild::The-Explorer-Guild
value string REQUIRED

hex representation of the token's unique value

Example: 0x0100000000000000000000000000000803
limit integer

max number of events to fetch

offset integer

index of first event to fetch

Example: 42000
unanchored boolean

whether or not to include events from unconfirmed transactions

Example: true
tx_metadata boolean

whether or not to include the complete transaction metadata instead of just tx_id. Enabling this option can affect performance and response times.


Non-Fungible Token event history

limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 200

The number of events to return

offset integer

The number to events to skip (starting at 0)

total integer

The number of events available

results object[]