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Get mempool transactions

Retrieves all transactions that have been recently broadcast to the mempool. These are pending transactions awaiting confirmation.

If you need to monitor new transactions, we highly recommend subscribing to WebSockets or for real-time updates.

Query Parameters
sender_address string

Filter to only return transactions with this sender address.

recipient_address string

Filter to only return transactions with this recipient address (only applicable for STX transfer tx types).

address string

Filter to only return transactions with this address as the sender or recipient (recipient only applicable for STX transfer tx types).

limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 50

max number of mempool transactions to fetch

Example: 20
offset integer

index of first mempool transaction to fetch

Example: 42000
unanchored boolean

Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks

Example: true

List of mempool transactions

limit integer
offset integer
total integer
results object[]